How long can I wait to send out Thank-You notes for wedding gifts?
Who pays for the entertainment at the wedding?
We are sure you brides are thinking about some of these same questions!
Just relax(If you need help with that look at our last blog!)
It's a Bridal Thing is here to help!
Here are some recommendations of some of our favorite Wedding Etiquette websites and books.
- Emily Post Weddings- This is the Queen of all etiquette. If she doesn't know no one will. Everything from "I don't like my ring, should I tell him?" to "I am a bridesmaid but I can't afford it. What do I do?" is covered by this maven!
- The Knot: Ask Carley- The Knot has charged their Editor-In-Chief Carley Roney to answer your wedding questions. She has full Q&A list for topics like planning, reception issues and the best way to incorporate your families traditions and customs.
- Wedding Etiquette and Guests- The classic go to for anyone getting married! They have their own compendium of etiquette. Their guide even covers cake and food.
- Wedding Etiquette Hell: The Brides Bible to Avoiding Everlasting Damnation- The blurb says: "Hamilton, a wedding consultant and creator of, lays out basic etiquette rules in chapters arranged by topic (e.g., attendants, invitations, and showers) and then illustrates them with hilarious, real-life stories that drive the points home."
- The Everything Wedding Etiquette Book- Covers every part of the wedding process from engagement to should you hyphenate your name. This book truly has Everything!
Just a few snippets from the tons of available resources!
But, let's go a bit further. If you don't have time to read or research, let us help you!
Send us your Wedding Etiquette questions for us to answer on the blog.
E-mail us at and we'll try our best to help you and others out in the web wedding world!